As a credit account customer you are able to take full advantage of the time saving facilities this website offers you.

I don’t have a credit account

Credit accounts are available to trade customers who meet certain criteria. If you feel you should have a credit account with BTS, please call us on 03333 443 110  or CLICK HERE and send us a message.

I have a credit account but don’t have website log-in details

There are two ways in which you can open an online account.

  • CLICK HERE and complete the fields under ‘Register’ (Username, Email and Password)
  • Call us on 03333 443 110 telling us what Username you chose and we will upgrade your online account to reflect your nett prices*, invoice and delivery addresses.


  • Call us on 03333 443 110 and we will set it up for you
  • You will be given a Username and Password
  • CLICK HERE to log-in to your account
  • You will then see your nett prices*

I have received log-in details – what do I do now

CLICK HERE and enter your Username and Password.

Once logged-in you will be able to enter/amend invoice and delivery addresses, view previous orders and check your nett prices.

Nett prices

Credit account customers can see their special pricing by adding chosen products to their cart. Viewing the Cart or Checkout will display your nett prices.

Item added to cart.
0 items - £0.00